Why clubs join the Alberta Gymnastics Federation
Think of membership as support for your club and gymnasts, coaches, and administrators. This support ensures that your club can operate in Alberta with access to courses, clinics and information that will help you deliver quality programs to your membership.
With 74 member clubs in Alberta, the Alberta Gymnastics Federation is a leader in helping our members achieve excellence.
In addition to ongoing support and communication, AGF is committed to providing you with everything you will need to run successful and enjoyable gymnastics programs anywhere in Alberta.
Membership Benefits
Here are a few of the benefits offered to our member clubs:
Services and Resources
- Club management tools
- Regulation of coaching standards
- Comprehensive insurance package
- Comprehensive coach & volunteer screening
- Sport & club promotion
- Respect in Sport certification
- Grants, funding support letters & funding through partnering organizations
- Input into operation & policy development
- Entandem Music Licensing
- Uplifter on-line registration
- Support available through the Membership Engagement Program
Events and Activities
- Courses
- Recreational gymnastics celebrations
- Conferences & seminars
This membership is for Gymnastics Clubs that were registered in the 2023-2024 AGF year and remain in good standing.
Clubs MUST renew their memberships to continue receiving AGF benefits and insurance coverage. If your club was registered with AGF for the 2023-2024 year, and remained in good standing, you can renew their club's membership for the 2024-2025 year. The deadline to renew is July 31, 2024.
If you are not in good standing, you will be required to submit a new AGF Club Membership Application.
To be considered fully registered a club must:
- Complete the online Club Membership Application on Uplifter
- Remit Club Membership fee payment
Please note: Registrations must be completed by July 31, 2024, even if your club does not submit individual memberships until later in the year. This ensures there is no lapse in insurance coverage.
Any Club that has NOT renewed by August 1, 2024 will be perceived as non-renewing. To be re-instated the club must submit a NEW Club Membership application which will be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
The Annual General Club Membership includes the Gymnastics For All (GFA) discipline on all Club membership.